Shiseido Synchro Skin Radiant Lifting Foundation - # 420 Bronze 30ml/1.2oz
- A hydrating, longwearing foundation with Light-Adjusting Technology
- Offer a lightweight, liquid texture that adapts to every light source
- Provide a radiant finish with medium-to-full, buildable coverage & all day wear
- Feature ingredients like octinoxate & titanium dioxide for sun protection & hydration
- Include skincaring ingredients like argan oil & hyaluronic acid for lasting luminosity
- Utilize exclusive technology to smooth & diffuse fine lines for a lifted effect
- Support skin firmness with star fruit leaf extract & beech tree bud extract
- Suitable for all skin types from dry to oily
- Made in Japan
- Available in a wide range of shades for matching
Krim tangan bergizi tertinggi Membantu mengisi kembali kulit Anda saat melembabkan Secara dramatis menghaluskan &melembutkan tekstur kulit Menawarkan hidrasi optimal terhadap kekeringan Tekstur ringan memastikan penyerapan yang mudah Dokter kulit diuji
Set Cahaya Hydrating Terbaik: 1x Konsentrat Infus Daya Ultimune 30ml / 1oz 1x Energi Esensial Pelembab Ge Cream 10ml / 0.35oz 1x Ultimune Eye Power Infusing Eye Concentrate 5ml / 0.48oz 1x Lingkungan Perkotaan Pelindung UV Bebas Minyak Spektrum Luas SPF 42 Tahan Air Tabir Surya (40 Menit) Ideal baik untuk penggunaan pribadi dan sebagai hadiah
Mempertahankan &meregenerasi Power Wrinkle Smoothing Set: 1x Ultimune Power Infusing Concentrate N 100ml/3.3oz 1x Benefiance Wrinkle Smoothing Cream 50ml / 1.7oz Ideal baik untuk penggunaan pribadi dan sebagai hadiah
Tongkat yang nyaman, portabel, dan multi-pelindung Tekstur yang ringan dan jernih berlaku dengan nyaman &tidak terlihat pada warna kulit apa pun Berjalan lancar tanpa lengket atau berantakan di tangan Dikembangkan dengan SynchroShield™ eksklusif yang bereaksi terhadap panas, air atau keringat untuk memperkuat tabir pelindung UV pada kulit Memberikan pertahanan yang mulus terhadap sinar UVA / UVB dan kekeringan Terdiri dari lebih dari 50% bahan formula perawatan kulit Formula unik bekerja selaras dengan keringat untuk menciptakan aroma yang halus dan menyenangkan Ukuran kompak memungkinkan penyimpanan yang mudah bahkan dalam tas terkecil sekalipun. Menyediakan aplikasi langsung dan hands-free untuk kulit Dapat digunakan baik di bawah &atau di atas makeup
Cuci busa wajah 2-in-1 untuk pria Menciptakan busa bertekstur halus yang kaya untuk menghilangkan kotoran, minyak, dan puing-puing secara efektif Mengandung bahan pembersih AMT untuk menjaga kelembaban yang diperlukan oleh kulit selama & setelah mencuci Bisa juga digunakan sebagai krim cukur Membuat kulit bersih, segar dan berenergi
Pelembab wajah hydrating 32 jam untuk pria Tekstur yang tidak berminyak dan ekstra ringan larut dengan cepat ke dalam kulit Didukung oleh ekstrak TSUBAKI botani Jepang yang diperkaya anti-oksidan Memberikan kelembaban terus menerus 32 jam Meminimalkan tanda-tanda penuaan &kelelahan sambil memperkuat pertahanan kulit Mengurangi tampilan garis-garis halus, kusam &kulit kering Memperkenalkan kulit dewier, segar &tampak muda
Pertahankan &Regenerasi Set Pelembab Daya: 1x Konsentrat InfusIng Daya Ultimune N 100ml / 3.3oz 1x Krim Pelembab Energi Esensial 50ml / 1.7oz Konsentrat Infusing Daya Ultimune N: Konsentrat wajah anti-penuaan yang revolusioner Diformulasikan dengan Kompleks Ultimune eksklusif untuk meningkatkan fungsi pertahanan kulit Terlihat meminimalkan munculnya keriput &garis-garis halus Kulit tampak lebih kencang, lebih lembut, halus, lebih cerah, lebih elastis &tampak lebih muda Untuk digunakan: Oleskan siang &malam untuk membersihkan &kencang wajah sebelum pelembab Krim Pelembab Energi Esensial: Pelembab wajah mutakhir dan bertekstur halus Menampilkan tekstur krim gel yang ringan, segar, dan tidak berminyak Dikembangkan dengan ReNeura Technology™ yang terinspirasi oleh ilmu saraf Membangkitkan kembali sensor kulit untuk mendeteksi dan mengirimkan sinyal dengan lebih baik Mengandung Citrus Unshiu Peel Extract untuk mendukung kekuatan penghasil kelembaban bagian dalam kulit Diresapi dengan Ashitaba, tanaman kaya vitamin untuk sifat regeneratif yang kuat Mengungkapkan kulit yang lebih halus, lebih bercahaya dan tampak lebih sehat Non-comedogenic, dermatologist-tested, paraben-free &bebas minyak mineral Ideal baik untuk penggunaan pribadi & sebagai hadiah
Ultimune Power &Revitalizing Set: 1x Konsentrat Infus Daya Ultimune (Teknologi ImuGenerationRED) 100ml/3.3oz 1x Eudermine Revitalizing Essence 200ml/6.7oz Ideal baik untuk penggunaan pribadi & sebagai hadiah
Pelindung BB yang tidak lengket, cepat kering & multi-tasking Formula keringat, tahan air & transfer adalah pendinginan & mudah digunakan Memanfaatkan Teknologi Kering Cepat yang dengan cepat mengeringkan keringat & air untuk memperpanjang pemakaian makeup sepanjang hari Didukung oleh SuperVeil UV360™ untuk membantu formula menyebar dengan erat & merata di seluruh kontur & alur kulit Menggunakan Teknologi WetForce untuk membuat selubung pelindung menjadi lebih kuat saat kontak dengan air atau keringat Diperkaya dengan ProfenseCL untuk melindungi dari kerusakan yang akan menyebabkan pembentukan kerutan & warna kulit tidak merata Melindungi kulit terhadap sinar UVA & UVB dengan SPF 50+ Menyediakan cakupan sedang & blendability yang sangat baik Menciptakan tampilan alami, sehat & berkontur dengan hasil akhir yang indah Sempurna untuk semua jenis kulit Dermatologist-diuji, dokter mata-diuji & non-comedogenic
Tabir surya perlindungan tinggi yang kuat dengan formula perawatan kulit Formula yang ringan, nyaman & sangat tahan air tidak terlihat pada semua jenis kulit Didukung oleh Shiseido Protection Technology SynchroShield™ baru yang menggabungkan teknologi Heatforce dengan teknologi Wetforce Membuat kerudung lebih kuat ketika kulit menjadi lebih panas & terkena air atau keringat Ditingkatkan dengan Profense CEL™ untuk melindungi kulit dari efek sinar UV seperti munculnya keriput, bintik-bintik gelap & kusam yang disebabkan oleh penuaan foto Ditingkatkan dengan NatureSurge Complex untuk melindungi kulit dari oksidasi Membentuk selubung perlindungan yang merata dan tinggi di seluruh area aplikasi menggunakan Teknologi SuperVeil-UV 360™ Diperkaya dengan bahan perawatan kulit untuk melindungi terhadap garis-garis halus, keriput & warna kulit tidak merata yang disebabkan oleh penuaan foto Membuat kulit halus & lembab dengan aroma yang dipersonalisasi
Krim wajah anti-penuaan berkinerja tinggi &tahan lama untuk pria Memiliki tekstur anti lengket yang larut dengan cepat & memberikan hidrasi 48 jam Diformulasikan dengan Teknologi Dedak Padi untuk membantu meningkatkan lima masalah penuaan termasuk keriput, kendur, kusam, kekasaran & kehilangan kekencangan Mengandung Xylitol untuk meningkatkan kelembaban kulit & fungsi penghalang Diresapi dengan EKSTRAK CORNFLOWER untuk membantu mendorong kekuatan restoratif kulit Kulit menjadi lebih kencang, halus, lebih cerah & direvitalisasi Ideal untuk jenis kulit normal hingga kering Bebas paraben &bebas minyak mineral Teruji oleh dokter kulit & non-komedogenik
Pelembab, memperkuat & memperbaiki masker rambut untuk rambut kering, rusak & warna / perm-dirawat Langsung meleleh ke dalam setiap helai tanpa rasa berminyak Diformulasikan dengan royal jelly EX, PCA (Para-chloroamphetamine) & Lipidure EX untuk menutrisi & mengkondisikan rambut Mengandung tujuh esensi untuk mengunci kelembapan, mencegah kerusakan & mempertahankan warna yang tahan lama Melindungi rambut dari perubahan cuaca & sinar UV yang berbahaya Rambut rambut halus halus, berkilau & sehat
Pelembab tangan dengan potensi tinggi Diformulasikan dengan Urea untuk memberikan hidrasi yang tahan lama Dicampur dengan Xylitol untuk manfaat pelembab Diresapi dengan Vitamin E untuk mencegah kulit kering Meningkatkan sirkulasi darah & penyerapan bahan melalui pijatan lembut Terlihat mengurangi tampilan garis & mengelupas Menjaga tangan tetap lembut, halus & terhidrasi
Gel mata pendingin yang diresapi dengan Vitamin C Tekstur ringan diserap oleh kulit dengan cepat tanpa terasa lengket 93% bahan dalam formula berasal dari alam Yuzu Extract, Jeruk Jepang dari Kochi membantu mengisi kembali & menjaga kelembaban kulit Vitamin C & Vitamin E tampak mencerahkan & meningkatkan kejernihan kulit Ekstrak Belimbing menargetkan bengkak di bawah mata Yuzu-C Glow Powder memantulkan cahaya untuk hasil akhir yang bercahaya Terlihat mengurangi tampilan lingkaran hitam Memberikan 12 jam hidrasi terus menerus Mengungkapkan mata yang terbangun, berenergi & tampak lebih cerah Vegan, bebas kekejaman & bebas pewangi Teruji oleh dokter kulit, teruji oleh dokter mata & non-komedogenik
Serum minyak dua fase yang menargetkan kebodohan & melindungi terhadap tanda-tanda awal penuaan Menampilkan tekstur yang segar dan cepat menyerap Diformulasikan dengan 98% bahan yang berasal dari alam Yuzu Extract, Jeruk Jepang dari Kochi membantu mengisi kembali & menjaga kelembaban kulit Superfood Oil Blend (Grapeseed Oil, Rosehip Oil, Sunflower Oil) membantu menghidrasi &melembutkan kulit untuk mendapatkan cahaya alami Vitamin C Kompleks (Vitamin C Ethyl + Oil-Soluble Vitamin C) memberikan dukungan antioksidan untuk mencerahkan kulit secara nyata & mencegah tanda-tanda awal penuaan Formula serbaguna dapat digunakan di seluruh wajah atau pada area yang ditargetkan, dan sebelum atau di tempat pelembab Memperkenalkan kulit yang lebih bercahaya & tampak rata Vegan, bebas kekejaman & bebas pewangi Teruji oleh dokter kulit & non-komedogenik
Lotion wajah yang menghidrasi &merevitalisasi Memiliki tekstur yang segar & berair Diformulasikan dengan agen revolusioner VP8 untuk meningkatkan berbagai tanda penuaan yang terlihat Mempromosikan pembaruan kulit sekaligus memberikan kelembapan yang tahan lama Meninggalkan kulit lembut, halus, bening, montok & tampak awet muda Teruji oleh dokter kulit
A high-performance sunscreen with a delightful texture Infused with Shiseido’s WetForce & HeatForce Technology Provides SPF 50+ protection, strengthened by heat & water Delivers peak protection that goes on clear & rubs in quickly Water & sweat-resistant for up to 80 minutes Suitable for face & body, leaving no residue Free of oxybenzone & octinoxate, non-comedogenic
A moisturizing & strengthening shampoo Mildly cleanses the hair & scalp, provides volume, elasticity & fullness from the hair roots The Core Powering Technology is enriched by adenosine, panax ginseng root extract, sophora angustifolia root extract & Nicotinamide Supports the self-restorative functions of hair & scalp, restarting body's own ability to regenerate its original state of beautiful hair & scalp Thoroughly moisturizes & creates a stable scalp environment Scented with an uplifting, refreshing scent of fruit, which was ripened by the energy of the bright sun, combined with a fresh note of herbs Leaves hair soft, light & airy Suitable for those who are concerned about thinning and/or hair loss
A moisturizing & strengthening shampoo Mildly cleanses the hair & scalp, provides volume, elasticity & fullness from the hair roots The Core Powering Technology is enriched by adenosine, panax ginseng root extract, sophora angustifolia root extract & Nicotinamide Supports the self-restorative functions of hair & scalp, restarting body's own ability to regenerate its original state of beautiful hair & scalp Thoroughly moisturizes & creates a stable scalp environment Scented with an uplifting, refreshing scent of fruit, which was ripened by the energy of the bright sun, combined with a fresh note of herbs Leaves hair soft, light & airy Suitable for those who are concerned about thinning and/or hair loss
A moisturizing & strengthening shampoo Mildly cleanses the hair & scalp, provides volume, elasticity & fullness from the hair roots The Core Powering Technology is enriched by adenosine, panax ginseng root extract, sophora angustifolia root extract & Nicotinamide Supports the self-restorative functions of hair & scalp, restarting body's own ability to regenerate its original state of beautiful hair & scalp Thoroughly moisturizes & creates a stable scalp environment Scented with an uplifting, refreshing scent of fruit, which was ripened by the energy of the bright sun, combined with a fresh note of herbs Leaves hair soft, light & airy Suitable for those who are concerned about thinning and/or hair loss
A moisturizing & strengthening shampoo Mildly cleanses the hair & scalp, provides volume, elasticity & fullness from the hair roots The Core Powering Technology is enriched by adenosine, panax ginseng root extract, sophora angustifolia root extract & Nicotinamide Supports the self-restorative functions of hair & scalp, restarting body's own ability to regenerate its original state of beautiful hair & scalp Thoroughly moisturizes & creates a stable scalp environment Scented with an uplifting, refreshing scent of fruit, which was ripened by the energy of the bright sun, combined with a fresh note of herbs Leaves hair soft, light & airy Suitable for those who are concerned about thinning and/or hair loss
A moisturizing & strengthening shampoo Mildly cleanses the hair & scalp, provides volume, elasticity & fullness from the hair roots The Core Powering Technology is enriched by adenosine, panax ginseng root extract, sophora angustifolia root extract & Nicotinamide Supports the self-restorative functions of hair & scalp, restarting body's own ability to regenerate its original state of beautiful hair & scalp Thoroughly moisturizes & creates a stable scalp environment Scented with an uplifting, refreshing scent of fruit, which was ripened by the energy of the bright sun, combined with a fresh note of herbs Leaves hair soft, light & airy Suitable for those who are concerned about thinning and/or hair loss
A moisturizing & strengthening scalp treatment Hydrates the scalp while making hair strong & resilient from the roots The Core Powering Technology is enriched by adenosine, panax ginseng root extract, sophora angustifolia root extract & Nicotinamide Supports the self-restorative functions of scalp, restarting body's own ability to regenerate its original state of beautiful hair & scalp Thoroughly moisturizes & creates a stable scalp environment Scented with an uplifting, refreshing scent of fruit, which was ripened by the energy of the bright sun, combined with a fresh note of herbs Suitable for those who are concerned about thinning and/or hair loss
A moisturizing & strengthening scalp treatment Hydrates the scalp while making hair strong & resilient from the roots The Core Powering Technology is enriched by adenosine, panax ginseng root extract, sophora angustifolia root extract & Nicotinamide Supports the self-restorative functions of scalp, restarting body's own ability to regenerate its original state of beautiful hair & scalp Thoroughly moisturizes & creates a stable scalp environment Scented with an uplifting, refreshing scent of fruit, which was ripened by the energy of the bright sun, combined with a fresh note of herbs Suitable for those who are concerned about thinning and/or hair loss
A moisturizing & strengthening scalp treatment Hydrates the scalp while making hair strong & resilient from the roots The Core Powering Technology is enriched by adenosine, panax ginseng root extract, sophora angustifolia root extract & Nicotinamide Supports the self-restorative functions of scalp, restarting body's own ability to regenerate its original state of beautiful hair & scalp Thoroughly moisturizes & creates a stable scalp environment Scented with an uplifting, refreshing scent of fruit, which was ripened by the energy of the bright sun, combined with a fresh note of herbs Suitable for those who are concerned about thinning and/or hair loss
A moisturizing & strengthening hair treatment Repairs damage while controlling waviness, for hair with resilience & volume from the core The Core Powering Technology is enriched by adenosine, panax ginseng root extract, sophora angustifolia root extract & Nicotinamide Supports the self-restorative functions of hair & scalp, restarting body's own ability to regenerate its original state of beautiful hair & scalp Thoroughly moisturizes & creates a stable scalp environment Scented with an uplifting, refreshing scent of fruit, which was ripened by the energy of the bright sun, combined with a fresh note of herbs Leaves hair soft, light & airy Suitable for those who are concerned about thinning and/or hair loss
A moisturizing & strengthening hair treatment Repairs damage while controlling waviness, for hair with resilience & volume from the core The Core Powering Technology is enriched by adenosine, panax ginseng root extract, sophora angustifolia root extract & Nicotinamide Supports the self-restorative functions of hair & scalp, restarting body's own ability to regenerate its original state of beautiful hair & scalp Thoroughly moisturizes & creates a stable scalp environment Scented with an uplifting, refreshing scent of fruit, which was ripened by the energy of the bright sun, combined with a fresh note of herbs Leaves hair soft, light & airy Suitable for those who are concerned about thinning and/or hair loss
A moisturizing & strengthening hair treatment Repairs damage while controlling waviness, for hair with resilience & volume from the core The Core Powering Technology is enriched by adenosine, panax ginseng root extract, sophora angustifolia root extract & Nicotinamide Supports the self-restorative functions of hair & scalp, restarting body's own ability to regenerate its original state of beautiful hair & scalp Thoroughly moisturizes & creates a stable scalp environment Scented with an uplifting, refreshing scent of fruit, which was ripened by the energy of the bright sun, combined with a fresh note of herbs Leaves hair soft, light & airy Suitable for those who are concerned about thinning and/or hair loss
A moisturizing & strengthening hair treatment Repairs damage while controlling waviness, for hair with resilience & volume from the core The Core Powering Technology is enriched by adenosine, panax ginseng root extract, sophora angustifolia root extract & Nicotinamide Supports the self-restorative functions of hair & scalp, restarting body's own ability to regenerate its original state of beautiful hair & scalp Thoroughly moisturizes & creates a stable scalp environment Scented with an uplifting, refreshing scent of fruit, which was ripened by the energy of the bright sun, combined with a fresh note of herbs Leaves hair soft, light & airy Suitable for those who are concerned about thinning and/or hair loss
A moisturizing & strengthening hair treatment Repairs damage while controlling waviness, for hair with resilience & volume from the core The Core Powering Technology is enriched by adenosine, panax ginseng root extract, sophora angustifolia root extract & Nicotinamide Supports the self-restorative functions of hair & scalp, restarting body's own ability to regenerate its original state of beautiful hair & scalp Thoroughly moisturizes & creates a stable scalp environment Scented with an uplifting, refreshing scent of fruit, which was ripened by the energy of the bright sun, combined with a fresh note of herbs Leaves hair soft, light & airy Suitable for those who are concerned about thinning and/or hair loss
A moisturizing & strengthening hair mask Penetrates into the hair shaft & repairs damage intensively, for hair with resilience & volume from the core The Core Powering Technology is enriched by adenosine, panax ginseng root extract, sophora angustifolia root extract & Nicotinamide Supports the self-restorative functions of hair & scalp, restarting body's own ability to regenerate its original state of beautiful hair & scalp Thoroughly moisturizes & creates a stable scalp environment Scented with an uplifting, refreshing scent of fruit, which was ripened by the energy of the bright sun, combined with a fresh note of herbs Leaves hair soft, light & airy Suitable for those who are concerned about thinning and/or hair loss
A moisturizing & strengthening hair mask Penetrates into the hair shaft & repairs damage intensively, for hair with resilience & volume from the core The Core Powering Technology is enriched by adenosine, panax ginseng root extract, sophora angustifolia root extract & Nicotinamide Supports the self-restorative functions of hair & scalp, restarting body's own ability to regenerate its original state of beautiful hair & scalp Thoroughly moisturizes & creates a stable scalp environment Scented with an uplifting, refreshing scent of fruit, which was ripened by the energy of the bright sun, combined with a fresh note of herbs Leaves hair soft, light & airy Suitable for those who are concerned about thinning and/or hair loss
A moisturizing & strengthening scalp serum Addresses the deep layers of the scalp for beautiful hair The Core Powering Technology is enriched by adenosine, panax ginseng root extract, sophora angustifolia root extract & Nicotinamide Supports the self-restorative functions of hair & scalp, restarting body's own ability to regenerate its original state of beautiful hair & scalp Thoroughly moisturizes & creates a stable scalp environment Scented with an uplifting, refreshing scent of fruit, which was ripened by the energy of the bright sun, combined with a fresh note of herbs Leaves hair soft, light & airy Suitable for those who are concerned about thinning and/or hair loss
A shampoo that quenches hair’s thirst & revives its beauty Removes impurities to leave hair richly hydrated, while suppressing the outflow of ingredients from inside the hair The Double Repair System creates damage-less hair that is full of vitality The Aqua Mimic Technology infuses the entire length of the hair with intensive moisture & locks it in Aqua Mimic Agent, a complex of Royal Jelly Extract & Sodium Chondroitin Sulfate which retains moisture inside the hair & prevents the loss of moisture Quasi Cuticle Ingredient covers the areas where cuticles have peeled off & prevents components inside the hair from leaking Effectively prevents dry hair & makes hair appear smooth & shiny Scented with a clean, fresh & green floral note like a bouquet of white flowers for a June bride, with an herbal green note as the accent Ideal for dry, damaged hair as well as for hair that has undergone frequent coloring & perming treatments
A shampoo that quenches hair’s thirst & revives its beauty Removes impurities to leave hair richly hydrated, while suppressing the outflow of ingredients from inside the hair The Double Repair System creates damage-less hair that is full of vitality The Aqua Mimic Technology infuses the entire length of the hair with intensive moisture & locks it in Aqua Mimic Agent, a complex of Royal Jelly Extract & Sodium Chondroitin Sulfate which retains moisture inside the hair & prevents the loss of moisture Quasi Cuticle Ingredient covers the areas where cuticles have peeled off & prevents components inside the hair from leaking Effectively prevents dry hair & makes hair appear smooth & shiny Scented with a clean, fresh & green floral note like a bouquet of white flowers for a June bride, with an herbal green note as the accent Ideal for dry, damaged hair as well as for hair that has undergone frequent coloring & perming treatments
A shampoo that quenches hair’s thirst & revives its beauty Removes impurities to leave hair richly hydrated, while suppressing the outflow of ingredients from inside the hair The Double Repair System creates damage-less hair that is full of vitality The Aqua Mimic Technology infuses the entire length of the hair with intensive moisture & locks it in Aqua Mimic Agent, a complex of Royal Jelly Extract & Sodium Chondroitin Sulfate which retains moisture inside the hair & prevents the loss of moisture Quasi Cuticle Ingredient covers the areas where cuticles have peeled off & prevents components inside the hair from leaking Effectively prevents dry hair & makes hair appear smooth & shiny Scented with a clean, fresh & green floral note like a bouquet of white flowers for a June bride, with an herbal green note as the accent Ideal for dry, damaged hair as well as for hair that has undergone frequent coloring & perming treatments
A deeply moisturizing treatment for weak & damaged hair Makes hair smooth & strong from the core, while reforming the cross-sectional shape of hair weakened by damage The Double Repair System creates damage-less hair that is full of vitality Quasi Cuticle Ingredient covers the areas where cuticles have peeled off & prevents components inside the hair from leaking The thin barrier wraps around the hair shaft to prevent dryness of both inside & out Makes hair appear supple & shiny Scented with a clean, fresh & green floral note like a bouquet of white flowers for a June bride, with an herbal green note as the accent Ideal for damaged hair as well as for hair that has undergone frequent coloring & perming treatments
A deeply moisturizing treatment for weak & damaged hair Makes hair smooth & strong from the core, while reforming the cross-sectional shape of hair weakened by damage The Double Repair System creates damage-less hair that is full of vitality Quasi Cuticle Ingredient covers the areas where cuticles have peeled off & prevents components inside the hair from leaking The thin barrier wraps around the hair shaft to prevent dryness of both inside & out Makes hair appear supple & shiny Scented with a clean, fresh & green floral note like a bouquet of white flowers for a June bride, with an herbal green note as the accent Ideal for damaged hair as well as for hair that has undergone frequent coloring & perming treatments
A deeply moisturizing treatment for weak & damaged hair Makes hair smooth & strong from the core, while reforming the cross-sectional shape of hair weakened by damage The Double Repair System creates damage-less hair that is full of vitality Quasi Cuticle Ingredient covers the areas where cuticles have peeled off & prevents components inside the hair from leaking The thin barrier wraps around the hair shaft to prevent dryness of both inside & out Makes hair appear supple & shiny Scented with a clean, fresh & green floral note like a bouquet of white flowers for a June bride, with an herbal green note as the accent Ideal for damaged hair as well as for hair that has undergone frequent coloring & perming treatments
A deeply moisturizing treatment for dry & damaged hair Adds moisture while reforming the cross-sectional shape of dry hair The Double Repair System creates damage-less hair that is full of vitality Quasi Cuticle Ingredient covers the areas where cuticles have peeled off & prevents components inside the hair from leaking The thin barrier wraps around the hair shaft to prevent dryness of both inside & out Makes hair appear smooth, supple & shiny Scented with a clean, fresh & green floral note like a bouquet of white flowers for a June bride, with an herbal green note as the accent Ideal for damaged hair as well as for hair that has undergone frequent coloring & perming treatments
A deeply moisturizing treatment for dry & damaged hair Adds moisture while reforming the cross-sectional shape of dry hair The Double Repair System creates damage-less hair that is full of vitality Quasi Cuticle Ingredient covers the areas where cuticles have peeled off & prevents components inside the hair from leaking The thin barrier wraps around the hair shaft to prevent dryness of both inside & out Makes hair appear smooth, supple & shiny Scented with a clean, fresh & green floral note like a bouquet of white flowers for a June bride, with an herbal green note as the accent Ideal for damaged hair as well as for hair that has undergone frequent coloring & perming treatments
A hair mask that quenches hair’s thirst & revives it’s beauty Protects & prolongs your salon moisturizing treatment, with deeply hydrating care The Aqua Mimic Technology infuses the entire length of the hair with intensive moisture & locks it in Aqua Mimic Agent, a complex of Royal Jelly Extract & Sodium Chondroitin Sulfate which retains moisture inside the hair & prevents the loss of moisture Effectively prevents dry hair & makes hair appear smooth & shiny Let you experience fresh-from-the-salon-beautiful hair, every single day Scented with a clean, fresh & green floral note like a bouquet of white flowers for a June bride, with an herbal green note as the accent Ideal for dry, damaged hair as well as for hair that has undergone frequent coloring & perming treatments
A hair mask that quenches hair’s thirst & revives it’s beauty Protects & prolongs your salon moisturizing treatment, with deeply hydrating care The Aqua Mimic Technology infuses the entire length of the hair with intensive moisture & locks it in Aqua Mimic Agent, a complex of Royal Jelly Extract & Sodium Chondroitin Sulfate which retains moisture inside the hair & prevents the loss of moisture Effectively prevents dry hair & makes hair appear smooth & shiny Let you experience fresh-from-the-salon-beautiful hair, every single day Scented with a clean, fresh & green floral note like a bouquet of white flowers for a June bride, with an herbal green note as the accent Ideal for dry, damaged hair as well as for hair that has undergone frequent coloring & perming treatments
An intensive moisturizing velvet hair oil Replenishes hair with moisture for a texture that is smooth to the ends, while protecting hair from external stressors during the day The Double Repair System creates damage-less hair that is full of vitality Quasi Cuticle Ingredient covers the areas where cuticles have peeled off & prevents components inside the hair from leaking The thin barrier wraps around the hair shaft to prevent dryness of both inside & out Makes hair appear supple & shiny Scented with a clean, fresh & green floral note like a bouquet of white flowers for a June bride, with an herbal green note as the accent Ideal for damaged hair as well as for hair that has undergone frequent coloring & perming treatments
A repairing shampoo for colored hair Gently removes impurities The Color Luminous System brings out hair’s natural shine, by magnifying hair’s ability to reflect light The Lipid Repair Ingredient (Squalane) replenishes the lipids & moisture lost due to coloring Arginine repairs the melanin holes within the hair while High Brightness Oil coats the hair Color Shield Ingredient coats the hair surface to prevent color fading & highlights the beautiful shine Makes hair shiny & silky to the ends, while protecting colored hair from external stressors such as UV radiation Repairs coarse hair, allowing smoothness & suppleness to return from the core Scented with an elegant fragrance of a bouquet of roses, richly using the natural perfume of a rare rose Suitable for who concerned about coarse hair due to repeated coloring
A repairing shampoo for colored hair Gently removes impurities The Color Luminous System brings out hair’s natural shine, by magnifying hair’s ability to reflect light The Lipid Repair Ingredient (Squalane) replenishes the lipids & moisture lost due to coloring Arginine repairs the melanin holes within the hair while High Brightness Oil coats the hair Color Shield Ingredient coats the hair surface to prevent color fading & highlights the beautiful shine Makes hair shiny & silky to the ends, while protecting colored hair from external stressors such as UV radiation Repairs coarse hair, allowing smoothness & suppleness to return from the core Scented with an elegant fragrance of a bouquet of roses, richly using the natural perfume of a rare rose Suitable for who concerned about coarse hair due to repeated coloring
A repairing shampoo for colored hair Gently removes impurities The Color Luminous System brings out hair’s natural shine, by magnifying hair’s ability to reflect light The Lipid Repair Ingredient (Squalane) replenishes the lipids & moisture lost due to coloring Arginine repairs the melanin holes within the hair while High Brightness Oil coats the hair Color Shield Ingredient coats the hair surface to prevent color fading & highlights the beautiful shine Makes hair shiny & silky to the ends, while protecting colored hair from external stressors such as UV radiation Repairs coarse hair, allowing smoothness & suppleness to return from the core Scented with an elegant fragrance of a bouquet of roses, richly using the natural perfume of a rare rose Suitable for who concerned about coarse hair due to repeated coloring
A repairing shampoo for colored hair Gently removes impurities The Color Luminous System brings out hair’s natural shine, by magnifying hair’s ability to reflect light The Lipid Repair Ingredient (Squalane) replenishes the lipids & moisture lost due to coloring Arginine repairs the melanin holes within the hair while High Brightness Oil coats the hair Color Shield Ingredient coats the hair surface to prevent color fading & highlights the beautiful shine Makes hair shiny & silky to the ends, while protecting colored hair from external stressors such as UV radiation Repairs coarse hair, allowing smoothness & suppleness to return from the core Scented with an elegant fragrance of a bouquet of roses, richly using the natural perfume of a rare rose Suitable for who concerned about coarse hair due to repeated coloring
A repairing treatment for colored hair Helps reform hair’s cross-sectional shape The Color Luminous System brings out hair’s natural shine, by magnifying hair’s ability to reflect light The Lipid Repair Ingredient (Squalane) replenishes the lipids & moisture lost due to coloring Arginine repairs the melanin holes within the hair while High Brightness Oil coats the hair Color Shield Ingredient coats the hair surface to prevent color fading & highlights the beautiful shine Makes hair shiny & silky to the ends, while protecting colored hair from external stressors such as UV radiation Repairs coarse hair, allowing smoothness & suppleness to return from the core Scented with an elegant fragrance of a bouquet of roses, richly using the natural perfume of a rare rose Suitable for who concerned about coarse hair due to repeated coloring
A repairing treatment for colored hair Helps reform hair’s cross-sectional shape The Color Luminous System brings out hair’s natural shine, by magnifying hair’s ability to reflect light The Lipid Repair Ingredient (Squalane) replenishes the lipids & moisture lost due to coloring Arginine repairs the melanin holes within the hair while High Brightness Oil coats the hair Color Shield Ingredient coats the hair surface to prevent color fading & highlights the beautiful shine Makes hair shiny & silky to the ends, while protecting colored hair from external stressors such as UV radiation Repairs coarse hair, allowing smoothness & suppleness to return from the core Scented with an elegant fragrance of a bouquet of roses, richly using the natural perfume of a rare rose Suitable for who concerned about coarse hair due to repeated coloring
- 100% produk asli dijamin
- Gratis Ongkos Kirim melalui Pos Indonesia atau Jasa Kurir. Pengiriman biasanya memakan waktu 7-14 hari. Jika tidak ada orang di rumah saat parsel dikirim, parsel akan ditinggalkan di kantor pos untuk diambil.
- Garansi 30 hari uang kembali. Jika ada masalah dengan produk silahkan kirim email kepada kami dan kami akan memberikan solusi untuk Anda, dijamin.
Barcode / UPC/UPC | 729238217652 |
Kategori Produk | Make Up |
Merek | Shiseido |
Lini produk / subkategori | |
Ukuran | 30ml/1.2oz |
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