Sublimic Luminoforce Shampoo Refill (Colored Hair)

Shiseido Sublimic Luminoforce Shampoo Refill (Colored Hair) 450ml

  • A repairing shampoo for colored hair
  • Gently removes impurities
  • The Color Luminous System brings out hair’s natural shine, by magnifying hair’s ability to reflect light
  • The Lipid Repair Ingredient (Squalane) replenishes the lipids & moisture lost due to coloring
  • Arginine repairs the melanin holes within the hair while High Brightness Oil coats the hair
  • Color Shield Ingredient coats the hair surface to prevent color fading & highlights the beautiful shine
  • Makes hair shiny & silky to the ends, while protecting colored hair from external stressors such as UV radiation
  • Repairs coarse hair, allowing smoothness & suppleness to return from the core
  • Scented with an elegant fragrance of a bouquet of roses, richly using the natural perfume of a rare rose
  • Suitable for who concerned about coarse hair due to repeated coloring
Rp1,397,353 Bebas biaya kirim
Pesan Sekarang
  • 100% produk asli dijamin
  • Gratis Ongkos Kirim melalui Pos Indonesia atau Jasa Kurir. Pengiriman biasanya memakan waktu 7-14 hari. Jika tidak ada orang di rumah saat parsel dikirim, parsel akan ditinggalkan di kantor pos untuk diambil.
  • Garansi 30 hari uang kembali. Jika ada masalah dengan produk silahkan kirim email kepada kami dan kami akan memberikan solusi untuk Anda, dijamin.
Barcode / UPC/UPC4909978935993
Kategori Produk Hair Care
Merek Shiseido
Lini produk / subkategori
Ukuran 450ml

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