Sisley Velvet Sleeping Mask Dengan Bunga Saffron SOS Kenyamanan Perbaikan Intens (Velvet Sleeping Mask With Saffron Flowers SOS Comfort Intense Repair) 60ml/2oz
- Masker tidur yang menenangkan &restoratif
- Membantu mengisi kembali &kenyamanan kulit kering semalam sambil mendukung aktivitas alami nokturnal kulit
- Didukung oleh bahan-bahan utama nabati untuk sangat menutrisi &melembabkan kulit
- Diformulasikan dengan ekstrak bunga safron untuk menenangkan kulit kering
- Diresapi dengan aroma madu &bunga oranye yang berasal dari alam
- Memperkenalkan kulit yang lebih lembut, halus, lebih bercahaya & direvitalisasi
- Dapat juga digunakan sebagai SOS Mask untuk memberikan bantuan &kenyamanan hanya dalam 10 menit
Krim wajah plumping & mencerahkan yang kuat Menampilkan tekstur sensorik halus yang berubah menjadi tetesan mikro air Mengandung ekstrak Alkekengi Calyx untuk mencengkeram epidermis & dermis Dicampur dengan ekstrak Padina Pavonica untuk aksi plumping ulang Sarat dengan ekstrak Black Rose & ekstrak Alpine Rose untuk meningkatkan pancaran kulit Diresapi dengan may rose air, minyak Shea & Camelina Memberikan sensasi kesegaran instan & kenyamanan jangka panjang Kulit tampak lebih lembut, halus, lebih elastis, intens terhidrasi & terlihat lebih muda Sempurna untuk semua jenis kulit, termasuk yang sensitif
Menggabungkan penghapus makeup yang efektif dengan tindakan perawatan kulit Formula berbusa halus &halus berubah menjadi krim saat dipijat pada kulit Unik, tekstur ultra-sensorial ditingkatkan melalui pijat Membantu menghilangkan makeup, kotoran, polusi, sebum &sel-sel kulit mati dalam satu stroke Mengandung ekstrak peony untuk mencegah perasaan sesak setelah membilas Dicampur dengan ekstrak grapefruit untuk tekstur kulit yang tampak halus Diresapi dengan ekstrak ginkgo biloba untuk mengembalikan cahaya kulit Meninggalkan kulit dengan sempurna bersih, lembut, segar &nyaman Cocok untuk semua jenis kulit termasuk sensitif
Krim yang sangat melembabkan &bergizi untuk tangan &kuku Tekstur ringan namun kaya memberikan finishing bubuk tanpa lengket atau film berminyak Berisi larutan Biosakarida &gula nabati untuk terus menangkap & menahan air Dicampur dengan ekstrak kastanye yang mendukung fungsi penghalang kulit untuk menutup kelembaban Menjaga tangan tetap lembut, bergizi &nyaman dengan kuku yang lebih indah &kutikula yang kurang terlihat
Krim tubuh sunblock yang harum dan tahan air Tekstur emulsi kenyalsi yang tidak berminyak larut ke dalam kulit tanpa meninggalkan jejak putih Menggabungkan filter UVA &UVB mutakhir dengan bahan aktif pelindung ultra-canggih Membantu menjaga kemampuan kulit untuk melindungi terhadap matahari & foto-penuaan Mengandung ekstrak Edelweiss &camellia oil untuk memperkuat fungsi penghalang kulit Diresapi dengan minyak Shea, minyak Camellia &ekstrak mangga untuk memulihkan kelenturan &kelembaban Secara alami beraroma dengan minyak esensial Lavender &Geranium Menjaga kulit tetap lembut, nyaman &terhidrasi
Cairan terkonsentrasi yang menyegarkan &revitalisasi untuk mata Tekstur emulsi kemerahan berubah pada permukaan kulit menjadi gel segar &meleleh Diformulasikan dengan ekstrak Red Vine untuk mencerahkan &tindakan lingkaran anti-hitam Dicampur dengan Kafein untuk mengurangi tampilan bengkak Diresapi dengan ekstrak Padina Pavonica untuk melembabkan &manfaat smoothing Sarat dengan Vitamin E Acetate untuk perlindungan Beraroma alami dengan air May Rose Aplikator keramik dingin menciptakan sensasi langsung kesegaran &mempromosikan pijat Mengungkapkan area mata yang lebih beristirahat, berenergi & tampak lebih muda
Makeup berkinerja tinggi menghapus &membersihkan balsem untuk wajah & mata Tekstur unik berubah menjadi minyak, kemudian menjadi emulsi susu pada aplikasi Diformulasikan dengan tiga minyak bergizi &pelunakan: Babassu, Shea & Macadamia Memberikan penghapusan &pembersihan makeup wajah &eye yang efektif &optimal Memberikan pengalaman sensorik yang unik untuk saat yang benar kesejahteraan Meninggalkan kulit bercahaya &nyaman tanpa residu berminyak Sempurna untuk semua jenis kulit Toleransi diuji di bawah kontrol oftalmologis &dermatologis
Penghapus makeup gel segar untuk mata & bibir Menggabungkan penghapusan makeup yang efektif dengan manfaat perawatan kulit Tekstur gel yang lembut &leleh memberikan sensasi kesegaran yang menyenangkan Lembut namun efektif menghilangkan bahkan makeup yang paling keras kepala, termasuk tahan air Meningkatkan bulu mata untuk penampilan yang lebih lembut dan lebih glossier Memperkenalkan area mata yang dibersihkan dengan sempurna, tampak beristirahat & lebih bercahaya Toleransi diuji di bawah oftalmologis
Pelembab tubuh ultra-sensorik, bergizi dan menenangkan Tekstur beludru, kaya & halus memberikan hasil akhir yang tidak mengkilap Bekerja siang &malam untuk memberikan tindakan bertarget ganda Pada siang hari, ekstrak biji buckwheat membantu mendukung perlindungan Pada malam hari, Shea butter mengisi kembali kulit dengan makanan Mengandung Padina Pavonica & ekstrak Lilyturf Jepang untuk meningkatkan pelembab Dicampur dengan ekstrak bunga Saffron, bahan utama Sisley baru untuk menenangkan kulit kering Diresapi dengan aroma asal alami untuk memberikan sensasi kesejahteraan Menjaga kulit tubuh lebih lembut, lebih segar, lebih nyaman, bercahaya & direvitalisasi
Tindakan ganda yang sangat efektif, perawatan tubuh siang &malam Tekstur emulsi gel-in-oil menawarkan perasaan kesegaran yang optimal Pada siang hari, perpaduan unik dari minyak Pink Berry, Kafein, Cedrol & ekstrak Jahe Putih membantu paha terlihat lebih jelas dan lebih kencang Pada malam hari, kekuatan ekstrak Mandarin, minyak Andiroba & Exopolysaccharide dari Plankton membantu meminimalkan munculnya selulit. Mengurangi "kulit kulit jeruk" untuk kulit yang lebih halus Diresapi dengan aroma alami Lavender, Sage, Marjoram, minyak esensial Rosemary &Cedrol Memberikan hasil akhir beludru &efek pengencangan langsung
Krim perawatan rambut non-bilas Diperkaya dengan minyak botani yang berharga & Complex 230, diaktifkan oleh panas Melindungi serat rambut dari alat styling panas hingga 450 ° F / 230 ° C Memungkinkan pelurusan yang lebih mudah &blow-drying yang lebih sempurna Meninggalkan rambut lebih kuat, bergizi, bebas keriting &terkendali Dapat digunakan sebagai styling atau smoothing krim perawatan rambut, atau kondisioner leave-in
Perawatan anti ketombe yang rebalancing dan menenangkan untuk kulit kepala Memperlakukan faktor-faktor yang mendasari yang bertanggung jawab atas munculnya ketombe Diformulasikan dengan Intense Rebalancing Complex &Pro-vitamin B5 Memurnikan & memelihara kulit kepala yang segar &murni Menenangkan iritasi kulit kepala & melindunginya dari ketidaknyamanan Memperkuat serat rambut & menambah tubuh & volume Membuat rambut lebih lembut & lebih mengkilap
Emulsion Ecologique Set : 1x Ecologique Emulsion 125ml 1x Serum 5ml 1x Hydration 10ml 1x Eye & Lip Balm 5ml Ideal for personal use or as a gift
Perawatan bibir yang ikonik, restoratif & sangat bergizi Mengandung campuran minyak – Plum kernel, Shea, Sweet White Lupin & Wheat germ oil concentrate Membantu menenangkan bibir secara instan & tahan lama Diresapi dengan mentega botani – Kokum & Mango untuk manfaat bergizi & pelembab yang intens Menghidupkan kembali keindahan bibir untuk mempertahankan kekuatan ekspresif senyum Anda lebih lama Meninggalkan bibir lembut, montok, lebih nyaman & tahan terhadap agresor harian Memberikan hasil akhir yang tidak lengket yang ideal untuk persiapan sebelum makeup
Shampo pemurni dengan lembut membersihkan &; menyegarkan kulit kepala Menghilangkan kotoran permukaan, styling, residu produk & sebum dengan sempurna Mengandung bisabolol yang berasal dari alam untuk menenangkan rambut Diperkaya dengan ekstrak teh jawa, minyak esensial rosemary, minyak esensial verbena eksotis, mineral (seng, magnesium, tembaga) untuk memurnikan & meningkatkan oksigenasi kulit kepala Lanced dengan Vitamin E Asetat sebagai antioksidan Menambahkan protein kapas untuk memperkuat penghalang protein rambut Didukung oleh Pro-vitamin B5 untuk memperkuat serat rambut, membawa kilau & kekenyalan pada rambut Membuat kulit kepala terasa bersih Memperkenalkan rambut yang lebih ringan, lebih tebal, mengkilap & memancarkan vitalitas Meninggalkan jejak segar & beraroma lembut Diuji secara in vitro
A balancing, strengthening & revitalizing facial treatment Fluid, comfortable & non-greasy “second-skin” texture leaves skin matte Contains the original complex of five plant extracts (Centella Asiatica, Ginseng, Hops, Horsetail & Rosemary) Enriched with two new key ingredients (Burdock & Meadowsweet extracts) Promotes a balanced microbiome & stimulates the skin’s natural defense mechanisms Makes skin more resistant & better equipped to defend itself against the harmful effects of the environment Lastingly hydrates, nourishes, strengthens & revitalizes skin Restores skin tone & radiance while visibly improving skin quality Unveils more supple, resilient & comfortable skin Suitable for men & women of all ages & all skin types
A balancing, strengthening & revitalizing facial treatment Fluid, comfortable & non-greasy “second-skin” texture leaves skin matte Contains the original complex of five plant extracts (Centella Asiatica, Ginseng, Hops, Horsetail & Rosemary) Enriched with two new key ingredients (Burdock & Meadowsweet extracts) Promotes a balanced microbiome & stimulates the skin’s natural defense mechanisms Makes skin more resistant & better equipped to defend itself against the harmful effects of the environment Lastingly hydrates, nourishes, strengthens & revitalizes skin Restores skin tone & radiance while visibly improving skin quality Unveils more supple, resilient & comfortable skin Suitable for men & women of all ages & all skin types
A long-lasting, fresh liquid eyeshadow Deposits a luminous wash of colour while offering a feeling of lightness The formula is visibly smooth & offers comfort all day long Dresses the eyes in a halo of light & allows buildable coverage for light or more intense make-up, depending on the desired results Contains plant based glycerin to offer suppleness & softness Its travel-friendly packaging & soft precision tip allow for easy & sensory application Does not settle in the eyelid creases Available in an array of shades for matching
A long-lasting, fresh liquid eyeshadow Deposits a luminous wash of colour while offering a feeling of lightness The formula is visibly smooth & offers comfort all day long Dresses the eyes in a halo of light & allows buildable coverage for light or more intense make-up, depending on the desired results Contains plant based glycerin to offer suppleness & softness Its travel-friendly packaging & soft precision tip allow for easy & sensory application Does not settle in the eyelid creases Available in an array of shades for matching
A long-lasting, fresh liquid eyeshadow Deposits a luminous wash of colour while offering a feeling of lightness The formula is visibly smooth & offers comfort all day long Dresses the eyes in a halo of light & allows buildable coverage for light or more intense make-up, depending on the desired results Contains plant based glycerin to offer suppleness & softness Its travel-friendly packaging & soft precision tip allow for easy & sensory application Does not settle in the eyelid creases Available in an array of shades for matching
A long-lasting, fresh liquid eyeshadow Deposits a luminous wash of colour while offering a feeling of lightness The formula is visibly smooth & offers comfort all day long Dresses the eyes in a halo of light & allows buildable coverage for light or more intense make-up, depending on the desired results Contains plant based glycerin to offer suppleness & softness Its travel-friendly packaging & soft precision tip allow for easy & sensory application Does not settle in the eyelid creases Available in an array of shades for matching
A long-lasting, fresh liquid eyeshadow Deposits a luminous wash of colour while offering a feeling of lightness The formula is visibly smooth & offers comfort all day long Dresses the eyes in a halo of light & allows buildable coverage for light or more intense make-up, depending on the desired results Contains plant based glycerin to offer suppleness & softness Its travel-friendly packaging & soft precision tip allow for easy & sensory application Does not settle in the eyelid creases Available in an array of shades for matching
An ultra-precise universal dark spot corrector Features a fine, slightly iridescent, non-greasy emulsion texture Combines a patented complex with natural-origin key ingredients Reduces the size & intensity of all dark spots while fighting against the progression of recent dark spots Contains Meadow Bistort extract to fight against the appearance of older dark spots The innovative applicator brush perfectly targets all dark spots on the face, neck, décolleté & hands Reveals a more even & radiant complexion Suitable for all skin types, genders, ages & skin tones
A long-wearing, high-coverage concealer pen for a flawless complexion Developed with a creamy, light, non-drying texture that blends seamlessly Enriched with Benzoic acid & Alpha-Bisabolol which help minimise the appearance, intensity of blemishes & the feelings of discomfort Powered by Vitamin E Acetate which has anti-free radical & antioxidant properties The luminous matte finish conceals blemishes, smooths & reduces imperfections Soothes skin & visually corrects pigmentation flaws Comes with an elegant double-tip format: a soft, fine & rounded concealer stick on one end for precise application & a foam blender tip on the other end to blend the texture into skin Offers a range of shades with a neutral undertone to suit as many skin tones as possible
A long-wearing, high-coverage concealer pen for a flawless complexion Developed with a creamy, light, non-drying texture that blends seamlessly Enriched with Benzoic acid & Alpha-Bisabolol which help minimise the appearance, intensity of blemishes & the feelings of discomfort Powered by Vitamin E Acetate which has anti-free radical & antioxidant properties The luminous matte finish conceals blemishes, smooths & reduces imperfections Soothes skin & visually corrects pigmentation flaws Comes with an elegant double-tip format: a soft, fine & rounded concealer stick on one end for precise application & a foam blender tip on the other end to blend the texture into skin Offers a range of shades with a neutral undertone to suit as many skin tones as possible
A long-wearing, high-coverage concealer pen for a flawless complexion Developed with a creamy, light, non-drying texture that blends seamlessly Enriched with Benzoic acid & Alpha-Bisabolol which help minimise the appearance, intensity of blemishes & the feelings of discomfort Powered by Vitamin E Acetate which has anti-free radical & antioxidant properties The luminous matte finish conceals blemishes, smooths & reduces imperfections Soothes skin & visually corrects pigmentation flaws Comes with an elegant double-tip format: a soft, fine & rounded concealer stick on one end for precise application & a foam blender tip on the other end to blend the texture into skin Offers a range of shades with a neutral undertone to suit as many skin tones as possible
A long-wearing, high-coverage concealer pen for a flawless complexion Developed with a creamy, light, non-drying texture that blends seamlessly Enriched with Benzoic acid & Alpha-Bisabolol which help minimise the appearance, intensity of blemishes & the feelings of discomfort Powered by Vitamin E Acetate which has anti-free radical & antioxidant properties The luminous matte finish conceals blemishes, smooths & reduces imperfections Soothes skin & visually corrects pigmentation flaws Comes with an elegant double-tip format: a soft, fine & rounded concealer stick on one end for precise application & a foam blender tip on the other end to blend the texture into skin Offers a range of shades with a neutral undertone to suit as many skin tones as possible
A long-wearing, high-coverage concealer pen for a flawless complexion Developed with a creamy, light, non-drying texture that blends seamlessly Enriched with Benzoic acid & Alpha-Bisabolol which help minimise the appearance, intensity of blemishes & the feelings of discomfort Powered by Vitamin E Acetate which has anti-free radical & antioxidant properties The luminous matte finish conceals blemishes, smooths & reduces imperfections Soothes skin & visually corrects pigmentation flaws Comes with an elegant double-tip format: a soft, fine & rounded concealer stick on one end for precise application & a foam blender tip on the other end to blend the texture into skin Offers a range of shades with a neutral undertone to suit as many skin tones as possible
A long-wearing, high-coverage concealer pen for a flawless complexion Developed with a creamy, light, non-drying texture that blends seamlessly Enriched with Benzoic acid & Alpha-Bisabolol which help minimise the appearance, intensity of blemishes & the feelings of discomfort Powered by Vitamin E Acetate which has anti-free radical & antioxidant properties The luminous matte finish conceals blemishes, smooths & reduces imperfections Soothes skin & visually corrects pigmentation flaws Comes with an elegant double-tip format: a soft, fine & rounded concealer stick on one end for precise application & a foam blender tip on the other end to blend the texture into skin Offers a range of shades with a neutral undertone to suit as many skin tones as possible
A long-lasting, fresh liquid eyeshadow Deposits a luminous wash of colour while offering a feeling of lightness The formula is visibly smooth & offers comfort all day long Dresses the eyes in a halo of light & allows buildable coverage for light or more intense make-up, depending on the desired results Contains plant based glycerin to offer suppleness & softness Its travel-friendly packaging & soft precision tip allow for easy & sensory application Does not settle in the eyelid creases Available in an array of shades for matching
A revitalizing nourishing shampoo that gently cleans & nourishes while maintaining scalp comfort Enriched with botanical oils to help restore the hair fibre Infused with Moringa oil to replenish vitamins & minerals Controls frizz & visibly straightens hair Hair feels enveloped in softness as soon as it is rinsed Hair regains a beautiful, supple, & silky quality Suitable for all dry to very dry hair & dry scalps
A fortifying shampoo that boosts hair’s youthfulness & vitality The gel texture transforms into a fine, rich foam upon contact with water Infused with Revitalizing Stimulating Complex & Densifying Complex, it energizes the scalp & boosts hair for a visibly thicker, stronger & more resistant look The advanced formula acts from the root to support hair vitality & at the level of the hair to reveal fuller, plumper softer, shinier looking hair With continuous use, hair starts to regain a more beautiful & youthful, radiant quality Suitable for men & women
A fortifying shampoo that boosts hair’s youthfulness & vitality The gel texture transforms into a fine, rich foam upon contact with water Infused with Revitalizing Stimulating Complex & Densifying Complex, it energizes the scalp & boosts hair for a visibly thicker, stronger & more resistant look The advanced formula acts from the root to support hair vitality & at the level of the hair to reveal fuller, plumper softer, shinier looking hair With continuous use, hair starts to regain a more beautiful & youthful, radiant quality Suitable for men & women
A luxurious lip balm offers a burst of hydration & a radiant glow for the lips Envelops the lips in a melting, sensorial texture that instantly smoothens & plumps them Infuses the lips with a skincare-infused formula developed with 95% natural-origin ingredients Nourishes the lips with Shea butter & the Hydrobooster Complex of Hyaluronic Acid & Konjac Glucomannan Protects the lips from external aggressions with Padina Pavonica extract & Vitamin E acetate Provides a long-lasting feeling of comfort & a satiny glow to the lips Suitable for all skin types
A luxurious lip balm offers a burst of hydration & a radiant glow for the lips Envelops the lips in a melting, sensorial texture that instantly smoothens & plumps them Infuses the lips with a skincare-infused formula developed with 95% natural-origin ingredients Nourishes the lips with Shea butter & the Hydrobooster Complex of Hyaluronic Acid & Konjac Glucomannan Protects the lips from external aggressions with Padina Pavonica extract & Vitamin E acetate Provides a long-lasting feeling of comfort & a satiny glow to the lips Suitable for all skin types
A luxurious lip balm offers a burst of hydration & a radiant glow for the lips Envelops the lips in a melting, sensorial texture that instantly smoothens & plumps them Infuses the lips with a skincare-infused formula developed with 95% natural-origin ingredients Nourishes the lips with Shea butter & the Hydrobooster Complex of Hyaluronic Acid & Konjac Glucomannan Protects the lips from external aggressions with Padina Pavonica extract & Vitamin E acetate Provides a long-lasting feeling of comfort & a satiny glow to the lips Suitable for all skin types
A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complexion Developed with Ideal Skin Complex, a powerful blend of plant-based ingredients, including Cucumber extract, Green Lentil extract & Buckwheat extract Provides instant & long-lasting hydration, smoothing the skin texture & illuminating the complexion Helps minimize the appearance of pores & imperfections for a more even, refined skin Boosts skin radiance & soothes the skin with each application Offers a naturally radiant matte finish & an undetectable, transfer-proof texture Suitable for all skin types Made in France Available in a wide range of shades
A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complexion Developed with Ideal Skin Complex, a powerful blend of plant-based ingredients, including Cucumber extract, Green Lentil extract & Buckwheat extract Provides instant & long-lasting hydration, smoothing the skin texture & illuminating the complexion Helps minimize the appearance of pores & imperfections for a more even, refined skin Boosts skin radiance & soothes the skin with each application Offers a naturally radiant matte finish & an undetectable, transfer-proof texture Suitable for all skin types Made in France Available in a wide range of shades
A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complexion Developed with Ideal Skin Complex, a powerful blend of plant-based ingredients, including Cucumber extract, Green Lentil extract & Buckwheat extract Provides instant & long-lasting hydration, smoothing the skin texture & illuminating the complexion Helps minimize the appearance of pores & imperfections for a more even, refined skin Boosts skin radiance & soothes the skin with each application Offers a naturally radiant matte finish & an undetectable, transfer-proof texture Suitable for all skin types Made in France Available in a wide range of shades
A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complexion Developed with Ideal Skin Complex, a powerful blend of plant-based ingredients, including Cucumber extract, Green Lentil extract & Buckwheat extract Provides instant & long-lasting hydration, smoothing the skin texture & illuminating the complexion Helps minimize the appearance of pores & imperfections for a more even, refined skin Boosts skin radiance & soothes the skin with each application Offers a naturally radiant matte finish & an undetectable, transfer-proof texture Suitable for all skin types Made in France Available in a wide range of shades
A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complexion Developed with Ideal Skin Complex, a powerful blend of plant-based ingredients, including Cucumber extract, Green Lentil extract & Buckwheat extract Provides instant & long-lasting hydration, smoothing the skin texture & illuminating the complexion Helps minimize the appearance of pores & imperfections for a more even, refined skin Boosts skin radiance & soothes the skin with each application Offers a naturally radiant matte finish & an undetectable, transfer-proof texture Suitable for all skin types Made in France Available in a wide range of shades
A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complexion Developed with Ideal Skin Complex, a powerful blend of plant-based ingredients, including Cucumber extract, Green Lentil extract & Buckwheat extract Provides instant & long-lasting hydration, smoothing the skin texture & illuminating the complexion Helps minimize the appearance of pores & imperfections for a more even, refined skin Boosts skin radiance & soothes the skin with each application Offers a naturally radiant matte finish & an undetectable, transfer-proof texture Suitable for all skin types Made in France Available in a wide range of shades
A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complexion Developed with Ideal Skin Complex, a powerful blend of plant-based ingredients, including Cucumber extract, Green Lentil extract & Buckwheat extract Provides instant & long-lasting hydration, smoothing the skin texture & illuminating the complexion Helps minimize the appearance of pores & imperfections for a more even, refined skin Boosts skin radiance & soothes the skin with each application Offers a naturally radiant matte finish & an undetectable, transfer-proof texture Suitable for all skin types Made in France Available in a wide range of shades
A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complexion Developed with Ideal Skin Complex, a powerful blend of plant-based ingredients, including Cucumber extract, Green Lentil extract & Buckwheat extract Provides instant & long-lasting hydration, smoothing the skin texture & illuminating the complexion Helps minimize the appearance of pores & imperfections for a more even, refined skin Boosts skin radiance & soothes the skin with each application Offers a naturally radiant matte finish & an undetectable, transfer-proof texture Suitable for all skin types Made in France Available in a wide range of shades
A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complexion Developed with Ideal Skin Complex, a powerful blend of plant-based ingredients, including Cucumber extract, Green Lentil extract & Buckwheat extract Provides instant & long-lasting hydration, smoothing the skin texture & illuminating the complexion Helps minimize the appearance of pores & imperfections for a more even, refined skin Boosts skin radiance & soothes the skin with each application Offers a naturally radiant matte finish & an undetectable, transfer-proof texture Suitable for all skin types Made in France Available in a wide range of shades
A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complexion Developed with Ideal Skin Complex, a powerful blend of plant-based ingredients, including Cucumber extract, Green Lentil extract & Buckwheat extract Provides instant & long-lasting hydration, smoothing the skin texture & illuminating the complexion Helps minimize the appearance of pores & imperfections for a more even, refined skin Boosts skin radiance & soothes the skin with each application Offers a naturally radiant matte finish & an undetectable, transfer-proof texture Suitable for all skin types Made in France Available in a wide range of shades
A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complexion Developed with Ideal Skin Complex, a powerful blend of plant-based ingredients, including Cucumber extract, Green Lentil extract & Buckwheat extract Provides instant & long-lasting hydration, smoothing the skin texture & illuminating the complexion Helps minimize the appearance of pores & imperfections for a more even, refined skin Boosts skin radiance & soothes the skin with each application Offers a naturally radiant matte finish & an undetectable, transfer-proof texture Suitable for all skin types Made in France Available in a wide range of shades
A high-coverage, mattifying foundation Combines skincare & makeup for a flawless, radiant complexion Developed with Ideal Skin Complex, a powerful blend of plant-based ingredients, including Cucumber extract, Green Lentil extract & Buckwheat extract Provides instant & long-lasting hydration, smoothing the skin texture & illuminating the complexion Helps minimize the appearance of pores & imperfections for a more even, refined skin Boosts skin radiance & soothes the skin with each application Offers a naturally radiant matte finish & an undetectable, transfer-proof texture Suitable for all skin types Made in France Available in a wide range of shades
A high-intensity eyeliner designed to define & enhance the eyes Utilises a soft yet firm felt tip for smooth, easy application Creates an intense black line in one stroke for precise & dramatic definition Infused with Vitamin Peptide to fortify lashes & reduce lash loss Developed with a waterproof formula for long-lasting wear & smudge resistance Targets lash strength, definition & depth for a bold appearance Suitable for sensitive eyes & contact lens wearers Made in France
- 100% produk asli dijamin
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Barcode / UPC/UPC | 3473311269102 |
Kategori Produk | Skincare |
Merek | Sisley |
Lini produk / subkategori | |
Ukuran | 60ml/2oz |
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