Kylie By Kylie Jenner
Highlighter alis yang lembut & mencerahkan Menambahkan dimensi pada lengkungan alis & memberikan ...
Highlighter alis yang lembut & mencerahkan Menambahkan dimensi pada lengkungan alis & memberikan ...
Kit KyBrow: 1x Brow Gel - # 003 Coklat Dingin 5ml / 0.17oz 1x Pensil Alis - # 003 Cool Brown 0.0...
Kit KyBrow: 1x Gel Alis - # 005 Deep Brown 5ml / 0.17oz 1x Pensil Alis - # 005 Deep Brown 0.09g ...
Pena eyeliner cair yang fleksibel, kaya pigmen & ultra-hitam Ujung sikat ultra-halus menawarkan p...
Warna gloss yang sangat mengkilap & nyaman Menampilkan tekstur buildable yang dapat dikenakan sen...
Pernis kilau bibir yang bercahaya & ringan Formula 2-in-1 memberikan hasil warna lipstik & kilau ...
Pernis kilau bibir yang bercahaya & ringan Formula 2-in-1 memberikan hasil warna lipstik & kilau ...
Pernis kilau bibir yang bercahaya & ringan Formula 2-in-1 memberikan hasil warna lipstik & kilau ...
Kit Bibir Matte: 1x Lipstik Cair Matte - # 808 Kylie Matte 3ml / 0.1oz 1x Garis Bibir - # 808 Ky...
Kit Bibir Matte: 1x Lipstik Cair Matte - # 802 Candy K Matte 3ml / 0.1oz 1x Garis Bibir - # 802 ...
Kit Bibir Matte: 1x Lipstik Cair Matte - # 500 Kristen Matte 3ml/0.1oz 1x Lip Liner - # 500 Kris...
Lipstik cair matte yang tahan lama, pengaturan instan & cantik: Formula matte sejati meluncur den...
Lipstik cair matte yang tahan lama, pengaturan instan & cantik: Formula matte sejati meluncur den...
Bubuk tabur yang longgar dan tidak berbobot Kunci dalam riasan, mattifies & meminimalkan kilau be...
Bedak wajah yang menghaluskan & menerangi Dikembangkan dengan teknologi gel-to-powder yang unik u...
Bedak wajah yang menghaluskan & menerangi Dikembangkan dengan teknologi gel-to-powder yang unik u...
Bedak blush on yang halus dan tahan lama Formula ringan berjalan ramping & mudah menyatu dengan k...
Bedak blush on yang halus dan tahan lama Formula ringan berjalan ramping & mudah menyatu dengan k...
A gel eyeliner pencil that creates defined eyeliner looks Infused with a vegan, creamy, gliding f...
A gel eyeliner pencil that creates defined eyeliner looks Infused with a vegan, creamy, gliding f...
A gel eyeliner pencil that creates defined eyeliner looks Infused with a vegan, creamy, gliding f...
A gel eyeliner pencil that creates defined eyeliner looks Infused with a vegan, creamy, gliding f...
A creamy, comfortable lipstick that delivers a color-rich, satin sheen finish Formulated to a lig...
A creamy, comfortable lipstick that delivers a color-rich, satin sheen finish Formulated to a lig...
A creamy, comfortable lipstick that delivers a color-rich, satin sheen finish Formulated to a lig...
A creamy, comfortable lipstick that delivers a color-rich, satin sheen finish Formulated to a lig...
A creamy, comfortable lipstick that delivers a color-rich, satin sheen finish Formulated to a lig...
An ultra-shiny & comfortable gloss color Features a buildable texture that can be worn alone or l...
An ultra-shiny & comfortable gloss color Features a buildable texture that can be worn alone or l...
An ultra-shiny & comfortable gloss color Features a buildable texture that can be worn alone or l...
A luminous & lightweight lip shine lacquer The 2-in-1 formula delivers the color payoff of a lips...
A luminous & lightweight lip shine lacquer The 2-in-1 formula delivers the color payoff of a lips...
Matte Lip Kit: 1x Matte Liquid Lipstick - # 801 Queen 3ml/0.1oz 1x Lip Liner - # 801 Queen 1.1g...
Matte Lip Kit: 1x Matte Liquid Lipstick - # 301 Angel 3ml/0.1oz 1x Lip Liner - # 301 Angel 1....
Matte Lip Kit: 1x Matte Liquid Lipstick - # 302 Snow Way Bae 3ml/0.1oz 1x Lip Liner - # 302 Sno...
Matte Lip Kit: 1x Matte Liquid Lipstick - # 300 Koko K 3ml/0.1oz 1x Lip Liner - # 300 Koko K 1.1...
Matte Lip Kit: 1x Matte Liquid Lipstick - # 102 Extraordinary 3ml/0.1oz 1x Lip Liner - # 102 Ext...
Matte Lip Kit: 1x Matte Liquid Lipstick - # 103 Better Not Pout 3ml/0.1oz 1x Lip Liner - # 103 B...
Matte Lip Kit: 1x Matte Liquid Lipstick - # 403 Bite Me 3ml/0.1oz 1x Lip Liner - # 403 Bite Me 1...
Matte Lip Kit: 1x Matte Liquid Lipstick - # 402 Mary Jo K 3ml/0.1oz 1x Lip Liner - # 402 Mary Jo...
Matte Lip Kit: 1x Matte Liquid Lipstick - # 401 Victoria 3ml/0.1oz 1x Lip Liner - # 401 Victoria...
Matte Lip Kit: 1x Matte Liquid Lipstick - # 700 Bare 3ml/0.1oz 1x Lip Liner - # 700 Bare 1.1g/0....
Matte Lip Kit: 1x Matte Liquid Lipstick - # 704 Sweater Weather 3ml/0.1oz 1x Lip Liner - # 704 S...
A matte lipstick that delivers highly pigmented, weightless color in just one swipe Features a si...
A matte lipstick that delivers highly pigmented, weightless color in just one swipe Features a si...
A matte lipstick that delivers highly pigmented, weightless color in just one swipe Features a si...
A matte lipstick that delivers highly pigmented, weightless color in just one swipe Features a si...