Redken All Soft

Redken Semua Perawatan Krim Berat Lembut (Untuk Rambut Kering dan Rapuh) (All Soft Heavy Cream Treatment (For Dry, Brittle Hair))

Mengandung Silk-Luxe Complex of Gold Camelina, Minyak Alpukat, Minyak Zaitun, Asam Amino Sutra Me...

250ml/8.5oz Rp825,942
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Redken All Soft Shampoo (For Dry Brittle Hair)

A daily shampoo contains an ultra-rich formula that leaves hair soft & smooth Enlarged manageabil...

300ml/10.01oz Rp661,512
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Redken Semua Kondisioner Lembut (Untuk Rambut Kering / Rapuh) (All Soft Conditioner (For Dry/ Brittle Hair))

Kondisioner ini menutrisi rambut Memberikan kelembutan, gerakan, dan kilau yang intens Formula S...

1000ml/33.8oz Rp1,311,010
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Redken Semua Sampo Lembut (Untuk Rambut Kering / Rapuh) (All Soft Shampoo (For Dry/ Brittle Hair))

Sampo harian mengandung formula ultra-kaya yang membuat rambut lembut &halus Keterkelolaan yang d...

1000ml/33.8oz Rp1,195,909
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