Peptide Prep Pro Chelating Hair Complex

K18 Peptide Prep Pro Chelating Hair Complex 300ml/10oz

  • A no-mix, spray-on demineralizing treatment
  • Restores natural texture, bounce, shine & improves product effectiveness
  • Contains Chelation Cocktail, a blend of 5 chelators with a range of metal attractions to reduce 7 common metals & minerals from hair: Calcium, Magnesium, Copper, Zinc, Nickel, Cadmium, Lead
  • Packed by antioxidant peptide to block oxidative reactors & neutralize metals in the hair for double the protection against reactive damage
  • Provides more even, consistent color coverage & prevents unexpected chemical reactions
  • Resets hair for optimal chemical & color services
  • Removes discoloration from mineral
  • Restores natural texture & bounce & leaves hair brighter
  • No mixing & no extra rinse needed
Rp2,174,782.50 Bebas biaya kirim
Pesan Sekarang
  • 100% produk asli dijamin
  • Gratis Ongkos Kirim melalui Pos Indonesia atau Jasa Kurir. Pengiriman biasanya memakan waktu 7-14 hari. Jika tidak ada orang di rumah saat parsel dikirim, parsel akan ditinggalkan di kantor pos untuk diambil.
  • Garansi 30 hari uang kembali. Jika ada masalah dengan produk silahkan kirim email kepada kami dan kami akan memberikan solusi untuk Anda, dijamin.
Barcode / UPC/UPC858511001456
Kategori Produk Hair Care
Merek K18
Lini produk / subkategori
Ukuran 300ml/10oz

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