Biotin Scalp Cooling Ampoule (For Scalp & Hair Care)

Floland Biotin Scalp Cooling Ampoule (For Scalp & Hair Care) 10x13ml/0.43oz

  • A pack of cooling ampoule that manages & deep cleanses the scalp
  • Features a texture of thickened water & upon contact with water, transforms into a thick creamy mask
  • Can be spread comfortably over the strands & easy to wash off
  • Utilizes plant-based ingredients to strengthen elasticity & volume of hair
  • Biotin & vitamin B7 contains useful trace elements that promote hair growth & stimulate the awakening of hair follicles
  • Salicylic acid actively cleanses the scalp, removes all types of impurities & exfoliates dead cells
  • Raspberry ketone accelerates & prevents hair loss
  • Penetrates deep into the hair & heals damaged areas
  • Effectively restores the structure of curls, smooths keratin scales & makes hair more manageable
  • Saturates hair with moisture & nutrients, eliminates dryness & brittleness
  • The cooling filler pleasantly refreshes hair & scalp, eliminates unpleasant sensations & itching
  • Improves microcirculation & nutrient flow
  • Leaves hair silky & shiny
Rp320,728 Bebas biaya kirim
Pesan Sekarang
  • 100% produk asli dijamin
  • Gratis Ongkos Kirim melalui Pos Indonesia atau Jasa Kurir. Pengiriman biasanya memakan waktu 7-14 hari. Jika tidak ada orang di rumah saat parsel dikirim, parsel akan ditinggalkan di kantor pos untuk diambil.
  • Garansi 30 hari uang kembali. Jika ada masalah dengan produk silahkan kirim email kepada kami dan kami akan memberikan solusi untuk Anda, dijamin.
Barcode / UPC/UPC8809708710240
Kategori Produk Hair Care
Merek Floland
Lini produk / subkategori
Ukuran 10x13ml/0.43oz

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